
车间、事件 & 尊敬的领导

The Wurtele领导力中心 (WCL) offers a range of workshops, speaker events and other co-curricular experiences that offer 学生 an opportunity to grow their own capacity to lead collaboratively and equitably, and gain inspiration from collaborative leaders in a variety of fields. WCL programming explores the contours of our Collaborative Leadership Model, creating space for 学生 to reflect on and build their own practice (ME), 学习参与和领导团队的有效方法(WE), and apply their knowledge to work toward positive change (IMPACT).


学生 have the option of participating in Wurtele Center programming at any level, from dipping their toe in the water with single events to taking the “deep dive” into courses and cohort or fellowship programs. Below are some introductory opportunities for engagement and skill building.

综合学习 & 领导活动


C系列聚集了学生, 教师, 和工作人员进行小组讨论, followed by dinner and a hands-on making activity to dive into a leadership-related concept that can often have a wide range of meanings. 我们反复使用这些术语, but how can we make sense of it for ourselves in nuanced and complex ways?

  • 倦怠
  • 协作
  • 边界
  • 同理心
  • 激进主义


2023年11月16日星期四下午5:30-6:30.m., 虚拟事件

加入Wurtele领导力中心, 托比·戴维斯(平等与包容办公室), Javier Puente (Prof of Latin America and Latino/a Studies) and Vanessa Nicole Silva-Burgos '24 (SGA President) for an online panel conversation diving into the topic of navigating conflict. 小组成员将探讨冲突对他们意味着什么, 它们与概念的关系, 以及我们用来管理它的工具和策略, 最后留给观众Q的时间&A. 向所有Smith社区成员开放. 我们希望你能加入我们! 请参阅社交网络 变焦链接.


Choose from an existing workshop led by the team at the Wurtele Center or our LEAD Corps student facilitators, 与OEI合作.


  • 有意的聚会 & 如何设计它们
  • 设计一个归属感社区
  • 沟通 & 冲突


  • Allyship
  • 问责制 & 修复
  • Microaggressions
  • 打电话来 & 被叫去

    没有看到你要找的东西? 伸出手去 atcohen@bbbitlf.net 设计自己的工作室!


影响力大奖, 由Wurtele领导力中心主办, recognize and honor members of our community who demonstrate the creativity, 勇气, and collaborative capacity to make positive change at scales both large and small. Honorees lead in diverse ways: some build community; others tackle complex, urgent problems; while still others work to dismantle inequity. The awards honor 学生, 教师, and 工作人员, for individual contributions or group efforts.

影响力大奖委员会, 由Wurtele领导力中心主办, 每年帮助制定奖项并选择获奖者.

  • 金正日阿尔斯通, Center for Religious and Spiritual Life Program and 沟通s Manager; Muslim Student Adviser
  • Annie DelBusto Cohen, Leadership Development Designer, Wurtele领导力中心
  • Kathy Guo, Prototyping Studio Manager, Design Thinking Initiative
  • 雷切尔·哈格斯特罗姆,澳门葡京博彩软件社交媒体经理
  • Kelsey Hunter, Assistant Athletic Director for Equity, Inclusion and Student-Athlete Well-Being
  • Megan Lyster, Wurtele领导力中心助理主任
  • 多元文化事务副主任萨哈尔·马哈茂德
  • Stacey Steinbach, Assistant Director for Residential Leadership
  • 23届贝利·斯特里特,学院主席协会主席
  • 朱莉·汤姆森,植物园通讯协调员



社区参与奖: Genesis Canazales and Rose Porta, 提名d by Denys Candy and Nancy Zigler

社会正义、包容和公平倡导者: Sheher-Bano Ahmed and Vivien Qiao, 提名d by 金正日阿尔斯通 and Asli Ali


The Humble Warrior: An Award for Collaborators Who Get Stuff Done:朴叶媛提名的洪瑞秋






提名现已开放. The deadline to submit a nomination is by midnight on Monday, March 18.



你可能 提名 学生, 工作人员, and/or 教师 who are current members of the Smith college community (including yourself!). Nominators must also be a current student, 工作人员, or 教师 member.

This award recognizes a student-led effort and/or student collaboration with a 工作人员 or 教师 member to 与他人合作 to make a positive change in the Smith community.  

This award recognizes an individual who has blazed a trail/ led an initiative or a group of 学生 that have worked collaboratively to enact meaningful change or move an initiative forward in regards to environ精神 sustainability.

This award recognizes a long-term or consistent student-led effort to engage the community and have an impact beyond the 澳门葡京博彩软件 campus (this could be local - Northampton and surrounding areas - or national or global).

This award recognizes an individual or group for their demonstrated commitment to issues of social justice, 包容, 和公平在澳门葡京博彩软件和/或在全球社区.

This award honors a student who in the past year has begun to discover and exercise their latent leadership capacities.  

The Humble Warrior: An Award for Collaborators who Get Stuff Done
This award honors a student who demonstrates a superb ability to engage as a central support and implementer of ideas when they are working as part of a group or team. 

This award recognizes a student OR student group who have shown up for their peers in a course-related environment (ie. 在一个共享的课堂经验, with individual 教师 as a peer tutor or student pedagogical partner, tutoring through the Jacobson Center or as a Student Academic Advisor [SAA]) and supported them in a tangible way during the academic year.

This award recognizes a student (with or without a formal title or position) who has demonstrated a strong impact on their house community through their leadership in advocacy, 与他人合作, 社区建设. 

该奖项授予个别学生, 认可的学生组织, 俱乐部或大学运动, or house community who has shown an impact on the community through highlighting or embodying the power of movement; physical, 精神, and/or spiritual health; and wellness.

This award recognizes a 教师 or 工作人员 mentor who has offered meaningful guidance to the co-curricular efforts of an individual student leader or a group of 学生, 包括军团, 体育团队, 学生组织, 俱乐部, 俱乐部运动. 


每年秋季, the Wurtele领导力中心 offers workshops and events that en勇气 学生 to develop a public voice as a form of powerful leadership.
