


澳门葡京博彩软件 is committed both philosophically 和 legally to assuring access to all college programs 和 services. The college pursues the goal of equal access through proactive institutional planning 和 barrier removal, as well as through the provision of reasonable 和 appropriate accommodations to students, 工作人员, 以及有残疾记录的教员.


澳门葡京博彩软件 is prepared to modify or adjust a position or 工作环境 to make a reasonable accommodation to the known disability of an otherwise qualified employee to enable them to perform the essential functions of the job, 除非:

  1. 这种迁就将对商业运作造成不适当的困难.e., 住宿费用过高, 广泛的, 实质性的, 或破坏性, 或者会从根本上改变企业的性质或运作, or
  2. 即使有合理的住宿条件, the individual would still pose a direct threat of 实质性的 harm to the health or safety of him/herself or others.


在确定所要求的住宿是否合理时, 学院, 特别是人力资源, in consultation with 残疾人服务办公室 和 with the employee’s supervisor 根据需要, will consider on a case-by-case basis whether such a request is feasible 和 effective, 和 does not create undue hardship 和/or would fundamentally alter the nature of the college’s operation of its business.

  1. 与你的主管见面, 人力资源, 残疾人服务办公室, 或学院副院长讨论残疾和由此产生的需求.
  2. Complete a Voluntary Request for Reasonable Accommodation formVoluntary Request for Reasonable Accommodation form 和 submit it to 人力资源.
  3. Have your healthcare provider submit the Attending Physician’s Statement to 人力资源. Additional documentation may be needed if there is an ongoing need for the accommodation.
  4. 人力资源 will determine if a disability exists as defined under the American with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  5. 如果存在残疾, 人力资源部将收集更多信息, 根据需要, 确定所要求的住宿是否合理.
  6. 人力资源 or the Associate Dean of 教师 will communicate the results of the inquiry to you.
  7. 如果一种安排被确定为合理和必要的, 人力资源 or the Associate Dean of 教师 will assist in either providing the requested accommodation or an equally effective alternative. 人力资源 or the Associate Dean of 教师 will work with your supervisor or chair to facilitate the accommodation when appropriate. Reasonable accommodation does not negate requirements for good job performance or adherence to generally applicable st和ards of productivity or conduct.
  8. In the event there is a dispute concerning the disposition of the requested accommodation, 你可以向人力资源副总裁上诉, 非歧视倡议主任/第九条协调员, 或者给公平与包容副总裁.

The College will be unable to provide an accommodation if an individual with a disability does not disclose 和 provide documentation of a disability 和/or does not make a request with enough time to provide the accommodation. 将尽一切努力满足确定合理的要求, 但也可以提供另一种选择.



职场住宿是对工作的修改或调整, 工作环境, or the way in which a job is usually done that enables an individual with a disability who is otherwise qualified to perform a job to attain the same level of performance 和 to enjoy the same benefits 和 privileges of employment.

一般来说, 住宿是服务, 资源, 适应, 和 restructuring which allow an individual with a disability to have equal access to something someone without a disability has access to. The umbrella term  “accommodation” refers to auxiliary aids terminology often used for student accommodations) 和 employment-based services, 资源, 和适应. An institution is obligated to provide accommodations 和/or auxiliary aids to individuals with disabilities as defined by the ADA. 但是,住宿条件必须合理.

Although the ADA provides examples of different kinds of auxiliary aids 和 accommodations, all accommodations are determined on an individual basis after an examination of pertinent medical documentation or other appropriate documentation.


你可以先和你的主管见面, 人力资源 or 残疾人服务办公室 to discuss your accommodation request individually 和 to gain an explanation of the process. Once you have submitted the appropriate forms 和 人力资源 receives the verification of the medical or psychological condition from your health care professional, 我们将根据《澳门葡京博彩软件》确定这种情况是否属于残疾.

如果病情受《澳门葡京博彩软件》保护, 人力资源 or 残疾人服务办公室 will then determine whether the requested workplace accommodation is appropriate 和 whether it will be effective in assisting you with your essential job functions. Supervisors 和 department chairs will be involved on an as-needed basis to assure implementation of proper accommodations. 不能追溯提供住宿.

完整的住宿申请流程张贴在两个网站上 残疾人服务人力资源 网站.


不幸的是, the college will not be able to guarantee either reasonable accommodations or auxiliary aids to anyone who is unable to provide necessary medical documentation. 请与人力资源部联系, 残疾人服务办公室, or the Associate Dean of 教师 for advice on acquiring documentation of your disability.

Documentation of a medical condition from a doctor does not automatically guarantee that you are covered by the ADA or that you will receive an accommodation. The determination of a disability 和 any reasonable accommodation under the law are made by 学院.


残疾相关信息, 包括医疗文件, 是否被视为机密并限制访问以保护员工的隐私. Request for workplace accommodations 和 accompanying documentation will be kept in a confidential file separate from your personnel file.

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